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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Closet Renovation

      I think that we have all been there. Too lazy to hang anything up, put things away, or even have your clothes make it to your closet. We all have those days where it looks like we just melted on the floor and put on the comfiest pair of sweats you own and an oversized sweatshirt or t-shirt. If someone were to look at my closet right at this moment, I would be thoroughly embarrassed. Fear not! I have a closet organization tips that can bring anyone's closet from a black hole to an easy, accessible storage place! I am crazy about Pinterest, so these tips that I am about to put down come from a pin inspiration.
Tip 1: Create storage bins form miscellaneous items.
-This is a great idea not only because it keeps all of the 'clutter' that you have in your closet in one solid area, but you know exactly where to go if you are missing a sock or a glove.
-This bin can either be on a shelf or hidden in the back of your closet. My miscellaneous bin is huge because I have a lot of mix matched items in my closet, so it is stored in the back.
Tip 2: Keep like pair of clothing together.
-This means that you should keep all of your sweaters, flannels, shirts, and jackets together.
-Designate an area for each so you aren't sorting through everything trying to find a single item.
-This can also help in other ways because I will just end up throwing things on the ground if I cannot find something that I am looking for.
Tip 3: Create wall storage for your shoes.
-Make little ledges on the side of the wall where you would like to put your heeled shoes at. You can get these type of ledges at Wal-Mart or Target. They make an almost V shape on your wall, so you can put the heel on the ledge and let the other part of the shoe dangle.
-If you have extra hanging space, you can buy hanging bins to store different types of shoes. This also frees up space on shelves if you have them in your closet.
Tip 4: Scarf organization. 
-This tip is a little different, but bear with me. Buy shower curtain hooks, preferable circular ones that are 5 or so inches, hook them on a hanger, and string through your scarfs on the hooks!
-This works with any types of scarves. I am going to make one for my knitted scarves, infinite scarves, and my regular ones.
-It keeps them all on place and not jumbled up in a mess.

Closet organization can be a lot of work, but in the end it will cut down on the time you take to find something, and the stress of having a messy closet!

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